Thursday, August 2, 2007

Open Mic at the Dollar

A rather boring Open Mic night at the Dollar this week, but in case you missed it, here is the scene:

Ali serves up the cold drinks to patrons and musicians alike.

Chad Okrusch and Dr. Dave Hobbs took over after I played two sets and my good friend Jim played one. There was a woman named Joanne who sang in between there somewhere.
photo title: When You Were Young Once...
Hobbs and O tear it up on some Hank Williams.
Hobbs is also a gifted harmonica player with his eye on the camera.

Late night serenade with Open Mic regular Glenn Bodish.

I might change this next one to black and white.
The Israelite
Trent in the eye of a cycle
The crowd stood around outside and checked out the orange moon on the East Ridge horizon near the Lady of the Rockies.

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