Sunday, August 26, 2007

The new and the old

The Dumas Brothel - a Butte relic
The Brothel is open at random times. I ride by there on my bike rides somedays and the door is open.
There are a few old bridges like this around Butte.
This is a photo from the firecracker celebration on Chinese New Year in front of the Mai Wai museum.
Butte has a modest dragon, but it's better than none at all.
No one allowed to crash here anymore. There are a ton of killer homes in this neighborhood with a lot of potential in photography.
The vandals wrote some single line prose on a brick building in the same neighborhood. The cops may be dirty, but at least they don't spray paint "4:20" on the walls of schools. Our tax money is so well spent sometimes...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Scenes from Anaconda and Butte

Jim and Mick the Russian hang out on one of their last nights in town.

Jim sings Willie Nelson off of a lap top.

The south wall of The Harp and Thistle Pub

A night shot of Butte's legendary M and M. I'll probably get an early morning shot on here soon.

One of the few photographic moments from my time at An Ri Ra. The Dillon fiddlers:

Saturday, August 4, 2007

The Walkerville Diaries

One man's garbage is another artist's treasure... Or something like that.

Walkerville is filled with artist's treasure, not that all of it come from actual garbage.
On a typical day, one of my few with no work, I headed up the Butte hill to Walkerville. I used to live in Centerville back in the day.

First stop - The Alice Pit
My old neighborhood where I grew up had some smaller pits than this. They were all filled with garbage (tires, mufflers, nudie mags). This used to be a pit for open pit mining.
A homely viewing stand for the Alice Pit. The Berkeley Pit gets all the glory.

Along with mining relics, dogs and the Irish, Butte is also a 'truck' town. On my trip I spotted dozens of neglected trucks.
These next two apparently still run, so maybe they all aren't so neglected.

The Old Wood Truck - this is one of my favorite captures of the day. I like the cropped version.
Reminiscent of a Company Childhood - my childhood neighborhood backyard was a stone's throw from the railroad tracks. I hadn't seen one of these black and yellow BA&P signs in a very long time. A lot of empty space, but I love this photo, probably my favorite on the day. For personal reasons of course.
I heard strange noises from this shack. Hopefully whatever is in there is all right.
This neat little tunnel on the Copperway walk keeps walkers safe. Upon approaching I noticed a horde of grasshoppers spreading out of my path. It reminded me of a comment my friend Brian made the other day about people who go to Triple S to buy mass bee killer. His comment: Do these people even know what bees do???

Self portrait - I've never officially done one of these.

The sun found its way through the cloud as I walked out of the overhang on my way back to the car.

Here is the Copperway sign on the trail. Notice how the grass is exactly as green as in the logo.

Well, almost.

The way the clouds affect sunlight and shadow in Butte is truly unique. Especially in shots with headframes. WARNING: Several generic photos of gallus frames follow, but there is more good stuff after that.

My neighbor's dogs - I'm still searching for that elusive Butte Special shot. These bastards still bark at me and they've lived next to me for seven months. The malmute-looking one isn't too bad. The other uglier one used to jump on the neighbor's garage and sit there watching the neighborhood. I just wish they wouldn't bark so much.

Justice - these neat statues in Uptown Butte look neat when I get psychedelic on them.
This photo will go nice with the other blacknwhite photo I have from Evel Days. How about Butte, America?

I wasn't sure if I should call this "The End of an Era" or simply "The Beginning." You know the end of that trail is the beginning depending on which side you start from.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Open Mic at the Dollar

A rather boring Open Mic night at the Dollar this week, but in case you missed it, here is the scene:

Ali serves up the cold drinks to patrons and musicians alike.

Chad Okrusch and Dr. Dave Hobbs took over after I played two sets and my good friend Jim played one. There was a woman named Joanne who sang in between there somewhere.
photo title: When You Were Young Once...
Hobbs and O tear it up on some Hank Williams.
Hobbs is also a gifted harmonica player with his eye on the camera.

Late night serenade with Open Mic regular Glenn Bodish.

I might change this next one to black and white.
The Israelite
Trent in the eye of a cycle
The crowd stood around outside and checked out the orange moon on the East Ridge horizon near the Lady of the Rockies.